
Santa Barbara Politics, Media & Culture

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Governator to Visit Tea Fire Damage or Congratulate Strickland?

It's been hard to get television coverage on the Internets of the fire. There are decent saved video stories from KSBY and even citizen video that's been great. KEYT looked totally unprepared for their coverage wondering out loud when the fire started during their coverage yesterday morning. Live feeds from FOX 11 disgusted me with their emphasis on whether Oprah and other celebrity's homes were safe. Doesn't Dennis Miller live up there? Is Steve Martin still there?

Although I feel for our local celebrities, like Christopher Lloyd who lost his home yesterday -- Fox LA's morning news team could have taken a better angle. It was like The View for news. The print and internet media led by The Indy and EdHat have been the most useful source of news -- thanks to Ed, Ray Ford and Ethan Stewart and crew for doing an awesome job.

I'd rather not get so cynical about the Governator visiting us in the coming days but it's hard not to considering the vote from the last election is still being counted and it looks like Tony Strickland is pulling too far ahead of Hannah-Beth Jackson for her to catch up with however many votes are left to count. Fridays results pushed Strickland up by 2,141 votes. Let's hope Arnold separates the victory party from the offers of help for our friends on Coyote Road.

(Remember you can click on the image to make it larger).

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

edhat was the only source for even remotely accurate fire information. I scanned all sorts of offiical resources this Saturday morning and the best I could find was the fire is only 40% contained and is stil threatening downtown SB and all evacuation orders and warning remain in effect. In other words I don't know one bit about what is happening in this fire Saturday morning.

I looked outside last night from across town and it appeared to be over and house lights were back on the Riviera. Now it appears we all have to stay in constant worry of the entire town burning down according to the official websites updated to 11/15/08.

This is totally unacceptable. Thank you edhat for providing links and a forum for first hand reports.

But when Browning Allen, the city streets director gets on the media and reports only 7 homes burned and can't even pronouce Alameda Padre SIERRA, one has to gravely worry about the competency of the city's official information.

Totally unacceptable.

11/15/2008 8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The street name is AP Serra; not sure if the other comment is repeating the "Sierra" misnomer or trying to correct it.
Locals should know the proper name, but the localer locals just call it APS and have to think more deeply to say the full name.

A few hours after the fire started, "official reports" were repeating the figure of 7 homes burned, but even the KCAL helo video showing live on TV would show dozens of homes just with some panning of the camera. Obviously, the usual chain of "official reports" still has quite a lag time in this Information Age.

As for The Governator, even he is smart enough not to comment about Strickland, especially as Fony Tony will be just another obstructionist Republican Ideology Warrior who has been most of the problem for why this Republican Governor cannot even get his allegedly own political allies to cooperate on solving the problems of California.

11/15/2008 12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David points out the correctly pronounced "Serra" vs. the much mis-pronounced "Sierra." What also needs to be pointed out is that people, especially when in a panic do other odd things.

"Official" reports, announcements, advisories and orders are often confused by the public. Listening to the Mayor Blum radio show today, it was obvious that people are tuning in late or just are not paying attention. Mayor Blum wasn't entirely without error but there is a lot of detail to remember. What was funny was that even though the Mayor was giving out information, people would still call in and complain about not getting the information she had just given out a few minutes prior.

Edhat magazine is pretty good for getting information on community events, snoopy aviator photos of peoples backyards, contests and such. Subscriber comments are interesting and can be useful but the subscribers can be confused and I would not want to rely on any ol' subscriber that can get it's hands on a mouse and a keyboard. Links provided to official websites, TV and Radio announcements are more reliable than scanning through hundreds of messages, especially when a fire is nipping at your rear. And what ever happened to common sense. If there's a fire nearby, the wind is blowing your way, you're feeling agitated, leave. Don't wait for an official to tell you to do so. Even if you have to leave for a week or so.

A weird thing about the proprietor is this insistence that it's subscribers are a community that represents. At government hearings! I think this is taking the blog host thing a bit far beyond a blogger's scope. For more info see this link and then click on the comments.

Let's hope that Hannah-Beth still has a chance and remember that if Tony wins and the Governor's here to celebrate it will again prove that sometimes it's the people that aren't paying attention. The "people" did elect Schwarzenneger after-all.

11/15/2008 9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Official" reports, announcements, advisories and orders are often confused by the public

11/28/2008 9:39 AM  

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