
Santa Barbara Politics, Media & Culture

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thank You and Good Night

I won't be moderating comments any longer and I am not planning on turning off moderation -- as some folks might get revisionist.

BlogaBarbara will not be deleted -- at least for quite some time. I think the stories and opinions on these pages are worth too much -- if only for historical and archival reasons, especially as to what happened during the News-Press Mess.

I'm told today's News-Press headline was "Fire responders get some love at Children's Festival." It made me twinge and look toward my keyboard -- but alas, I will have to turn that energy into other worthwhile endeavors.

I so appreciate the good will expressed by the vast majority of you over the last week since I made my intentions public. Your kindness touches me deeply and I will miss you all. Perhaps a rather cryptic koan, I saw this quote the other other day and reflected on it in regards to my experience with blogging at BlogaBarbara:

"It's taken me all my life to learn what not to play". -- Dizzy Gillespie

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Anonymous Cruel Hand Uke said...

Congratulations to you, Sara. I respect your decision to jump into a new part of your life. I will miss your pieces, but it makes me happy to know you are doing this on YOUR TERMS. Rock on!

5/18/2009 4:53 PM  

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