Despite his defiant tone this morning in the newspaper, rumor has it that Goleta Council Member Jack Hawxhurst will be moving to Florida and not running for reelection next fall. With the possibility of Council Member Margaret Connell retiring from the new council -- there may be a wide open race in the fall. Goleta's "First Mayor" Michael Bennett, former El Presidente Roger Aceves and Santa Barbara Airbus owner Eric Onnen will have a tight race on their hands as challengers for the possible seats -- should they choose to run.
Saying that you had to have a "spine" to face the bogey man of growth and that "It's cheaper to buy elections sometimes than it is to do something better", Haxhurst acted as if he was immediately facing a million dollar media buy targeted directly at him. Chill out, dude! The campaign has hardly started...
His fear tactics won't work here -- the truth is
Goleta doesn't have a planning commission because he's all but said that no one else has can be trusted with Goleta growth issues but council. This should have been one of council's main priorities and the City of Goleta won't grow up until it has a commission and a plan in place.
Goleta wants better -- and Goleta also wants more, Jack. Create a planning commission, finish the general plan and put it all on television. The transition from the County hasn't been all that smooth and you know it!