Rest in Peace: Selmer Wake
Labels: SBCC, Selmer Wake
Santa Barbara Politics, Media & Culture
Labels: SBCC, Selmer Wake
Judges tend to be reluctant to issue injunctions under these circumstances, but some found it disconcerting that a judge would find that an employer’s rights outweighed those of workers after another court found the same employer to have broken the law by illegally firing workers for protected union activity. Nor was it clear why Federal Judge Stephen Wilson gave First Amendment refuge to owner Wendy McCaw. Judge Wilson apparently bought the paper’s argument that the union was trying to limit the paper’s “editorial discretion” rather than just exercising its legal right to a fair contract.
"Our request for temporary reinstatement was denied, but we still won the trial,” Hobbs said, referring to a Dec. 26, 2007 ruling by administrative law judge William G. Kocol that eight reporters had been wrongfully terminated and ordered that they be reinstated with back pay. “This doesn't dampen our spirits in the slightest.
... Judge Wilson's reasoning that requiring McCaw to hire back the fired reporters would interfere with her editorial discretion still doesn't wash with me. Only two of the eight reporters (Melinda Burns and Anna Davison) were fired on the grounds that McCaw didn't like what they were writing. And an administrative law judge determined that those allegations were trumped up. The other six weren't fired for what they wrote but rather were fired because they were "disloyal" in taking part in the demonstration on the freeway overpass urging people to cancel their subscriptions to the paper.
Labels: Father Virgil Cordano
Labels: Kevin Ready, Superior Court Judge election
I'm wondering if the County Bowl's rules are getting too heavy handed and the focus is on fundraising and fancy new buildings and not the concert experience - the lawns gone, and the seats are more uncomfortable than a High School gym's.
This was our experience at yesterdays concert - and no-one in the group is under 40:
- bag searched 3 times on way in
- our sunblock confiscated [from a grandmother and mother of three] in our group - in a heatwave - "because we might throw it at the band"
- can't stand still anywhere in the shade ... moved 8 times times before going to seats
- and the most insane rule: YOU CAN ONLY BUY 2 WATERS AT A TIME!
We were told it's because we might spill them. I am NOT kidding!
Its 88 degrees, they've confiscated our sunblock and won't sell me enough water for our group during a 7 hour show !!!
- and there was no crowd control where it actually is important - in the bathroom tunnel entrance area
Labels: Santa Barbara County Bowl
Labels: Carpinteria, Summerwind at the Bluffs
The News-Press supported the three challengers who won in 2006 because Goleta needed a more responsive government. Their win was not a mandate for an extreme pro-growth agenda. The community trusted their assurances that rampant development wouldn't be in store under their watch.
What happens to an area known as Bishop Ranch -- agriculturally zoned land off Highway 101 between Los Carneros and Glen Annie roads -- may set off the South Coast's biggest battle over development.
.....What's troubling is that development-connected interests -- which now have the council's ear -- appear to be following the same road as the last council bloc in terms of not listening to community concerns and desires.
Labels: Goleta City Council, Goleta Election
Labels: 3rd District Supervisor Election
Labels: Cold Spring Bridge, SBCTA
Labels: Bishop Ranch, Goleta City Council
Labels: Cold Spring Bridge
“I didn’t even see it coming,” said Punzal. “They just ripped out my heart is what they did, because I gave my heart and soul to that place. . . . They should have just put a gun to my head.”
Labels: Santa Barbara News-Press, Teamsters
“Walter once said that ‘we are strongest as people when we are directed by that which unites us, rather than giving into the fears, suspicions, innuendos and paranoias that divide.’ For years I have been waiting for a President that speaks to that vision. I believe Barack Obama may very well be that rare leader.” (from Huffington Post)
Labels: Barack Obama, Lois Capps