Citizens Planning Association (CPA) & Citizens Planning Foundation (CPF)
are excited about several upcoming forums & events for which we hope you will join us!
THE BASICS (details follow further below)...
SAVE THE DATES!Thurs, April 24 - Forum on Propositions 98 & 99
Wed, April 30 - 3rd District County Supervisor Candidates Forum
Wed, April 30 - 4th District County Supervisor Candidates Forum
Sat, May 3 - "Coast Boast" Hike & BBQ @ Arroyo Hondo Preserve
Sat, May 31 - CPA & CPF's Annual Meeting & Luncheon!
Forum on Propositions 98 & 99Wednesday, April 24, 2008 (6:00-7:15pm)
@ SB Public Library, Faulkner Gallery, 40 E. Anapamu St.
FREE Community Forum!
Find out what the June Ballot has to do with Clean Water, Affordable Housing, Salamanders & Grandma's House!
Hosted by CPA
3rd District County Supervisor Candidates ForumWednesday, April 30, 2008 (7-9pm)
@ Goleta Valley Community Center, Auditorium, 5679 Hollister Ave, Goleta
FREE Community Forum!
Come hear where the candidates stand on issues important to you.
Co-sponsored by CPF & League of Women Voters Education Fund
4th District County Supervisor Candidates ForumWednesday, April 30, 2008 (7pm)
@ Lompoc Public Library, Grossman Gallery, 501 E. North Ave, Lompoc
FREE Community Forum!
Come hear where the candidates stand on issues important to you.
Co-sponsored by CPF & American Association of University Women (AAUW)
"Coast Boast" at the Arroyo Hondo PreserveSaturday, May 3, 2008 (10am-2pm)
@ the Arroyo Hondo Preserve on the Gaviota Coast
Organized by CPF
(see attached invitation flyer)
Join us for a walk or hike and lunch, and discover the wonders of the "Jewel of the Gaviota Coast," the beautiful 782-acre Arroyo Hondo Preserve, a magnificent canyon west of Santa Barbara between Refugio State Beach and Gaviota State Park. (Check out It doesn't matter if you're up for joining a docent on a more strenuous hike or a moderate walk, or would just like to leisurely walk on your own, you'll have a great time. We have done this event annually for the past few years, and people love it!
Tickets (includes parking, entrance fee & lunch):
$25 adults; $15 children (12 & under) and students
1) Send payment by Monday, April 28th, to "CPF" at 916 Anacapa St, SB, CA 93101
-OR- pay online via PayPal at, and
2) Include a note with your check or send us an email indicating your email address*, the full names of everyone in your party, and # of vegetarians for lunch.
(* Note: We need your email address if you want us to send you directions and other information pertinent to the event.)
QUESTIONS? Contact Naomi at (805) 966-3979
CPA & CPF's 48th ANNUAL MEETING & LUNCHEONSaturday, May 31, 2008 (11am-2pm)
@ Santa Barbara City College's Fe Bland Forum (West Campus)
Join us as we share what we've been up to this past year and what we have on our front burners right now, enjoy lunch overlooking the rolling lawn of SBCC & the ocean below, help us celebrate our honorees, and hear this year's keynote presentation.
HONOREES: To be announced soon!
"Veronica Meadows: How Citizens Shape Local Planning & What to do When the System Fails" by CPA's attorney Bill Parkin of Wittwer & Parkin, LLP
Tickets (includes parking & lunch):
$25 adults; $15 children (12 & under) and students
1) Send payment by Monday, May 26th, to "CPA" at 916 Anacapa St, SB, CA 93101
-OR- pay online via PayPal at, and
2) Include a note with your check or send us an email indicating the full names of everyone in your party, and # of vegetarians for lunch.
QUESTIONS? Contact Naomi at (805) 966-3979
Labels: Citizens Planning Association, Citizens Planning Foundation